We’re a digital marketing agency in Maine that builds marketing strategy, campaigns, websites, content, and creative for good-fit clients near and far. We’re 100% employee-owned and fully integrated with Ethos, a full-service, multi-platform branding agency.

Specialty Industries

We work in many different fields but have developed specialties in a few key industries:

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Ethos logo

a full service branding agency

97 total posts in Digital Marketing
July 24, 2017

What is Inbound Marketing?

There’s been a lot of talk about inbound marketing recently – and a lot of people trying to understand how inbound differs from traditional marketing.…
What is Inbound Marketing?
July 24, 2017

Understanding Google Algorithms

Getting to know Google’s algorithms is an essential part of finding SEO success, but it’s not easy. Google algorithms (the rules and processes used to…
Understanding Google Algorithms
July 24, 2017

The Power of Influencer Marketing

Have you ever wondered about the power behind an influencer’s social platform? VONT’s partner company Ethos knows all about it. They created an influencer-marketing program…
The Power of Influencer Marketing
July 24, 2017

When Steelhead Trout Goes Viral

If you own a website, chances are you’re doing everything possible to attract visitors. After all, visitors are the lifeblood of the site, and without…
When Steelhead Trout Goes Viral