40 total posts in Enrollment Marketing
November 5, 2019
How to Leverage Webinars for Higher Ed Enrollment Marketing
When people think of webinars, they think of them as a tool to market products and services. Can a higher education institution use webinars to…
October 31, 2019
VONT’s Top 5 AMA Higher Ed Symposium Topics of 2019
It’s that time a year again! No, not Halloween, well it is, but even more important…it’s time for the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Higher Education…
September 26, 2019
5 Reasons Partnering on Your Higher Ed Digital Marketing Can Boost Internal Results
If your college or university is fortunate enough to have an internal digital marketing team, but is challenged with demanding enrollment goals, making the choice…
August 29, 2019
Emerging Higher Education Digital Marketing Opportunities
With the number of students enrolled in higher education predicted to decline or remain flat for the next several years, colleges and universities face increasing…
March 7, 2019
[Video] Promoting the Entire Community College System
At VONT, we’re using a new approach to help the community colleges in Maine. Instead of promoting each of the individual community colleges around the…
March 6, 2019
Marketing College and University Summer Programs to High School Students and Parents
As a higher education institution with a summer pre-college program, do you experience the push and pull of needing a successful summer term to meet…
October 25, 2018
How Digital Marketing Supports Event Marketing in Higher Education
Do you think that you can be doing more with your event marketing efforts when it comes to undergraduate recruitment? You’re not alone. Often, those…
July 5, 2018
Higher Ed International Student Recruitment in Times of Political Uncertainty
NOTE: This is another in a series of articles about digital marketing strategies for higher education. The current political climate has introduced uncertainty for international…
July 5, 2018
[Infographic] Digital Marketing for Higher Education E-Recruiting 2016
How are colleges and universities using digital marketing for student recruiting and lead generation? VONT’s infographic below on higher education e-recruiting sums it up for…
July 5, 2018
[Infographic] Improve Student Recruitment
Higher education institutions face increased competition over a decreasing pool of applicants. However, colleges and universities that take advantage of digital will attract a greater…